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He can be called from any Telephone to give the player a ride into town in his Italic. Build your crappy vehicle into a race car, install. Share your videos with friends, family, and the worldAcerca de este juego. its best to sell pine as a log, as it sells for 15 dollars, but if you turn it into a firewood it only sells for 14 dollars. May 31, 2022 1. . tacitus1kilgore. ~ yo guys welcome to my channel, i'm back with a brand new episode of mon bazou! in todays video the game plan was to show you guys how to make money in Mo. Author: zhaggy. D. Harvest wood to make a Sugar Shack, place tubes to collect sugar water and make Maple Syrup, then sold to make x amount of money each Sunday (In game). It is located off of a long unpaved road, near the western shore of the mainland. Maybe you want to manage a sugar shack and make tons of maple syrup or build…. Stock engine + tunable ECU with autoshit box is enough to win all races so. Current Prices. Oomguy69 97 days ago. Mon. Mon Bazou has many interesting buildings, islands, locations, and points-of-interest to explore. Stock engine + tunable ECU with autoshit box is enough. #1. So. Kali-Gas. Keybind to hide the UI added in the escape menu. Explore and visualize locations, items, and more!Mon Bazou. Make money by cutting. Game manuals, wikis, cheats etc: The cheapest games and lots of sales: Instagram: Bazou. How to add any music you would like in this game. Don't forget to like and subscribeMon Bazou. It is possible for the player to participate in these races, but only using their Konig. share. One can be found in the Player Garage next to the workbench, and another in the Speedway garage, near the door. Then Buy Harvest bucket to harvest it. Zaraphiel Dec 28, 2021 @ 8:26am. chevron_left. It is one of the main shops of the game, as it is the only place to purchase fuel and some auto parts for the Konig and OlTruck. We Upgraded the WORST Race Car with NEW Parts in Mon Bazou! (Mon Bazou) Build your crappy vehicle into a race car, install the parts yourself. 288 game version. In short, live the rural Canadian dream of making your own poutine and growing weed in the woods. It is one of the larger buildings in town, and its tall spire serves as a primary landmark for many players looking to navigate without the aid of a Map. Music from some game called "mon bazou". It is open every day, from 10:00 to 20:00. Jan 14, 2022 @ 10:28am firewood selling where do we sell firewood after the 1st delivery to cousin < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . Mon Bazou. #3. Seeing that you sell it in-game is the biggest red flag I've seen. You need to place your music here: C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalLowSanta GoatMon BazouCDPlayer. An interactive version of the map can be found here. Mon Bazou's In Game Radio Music. Mon Bazou > General Discussions > Topic Details. Mon Bazou > General Discussions > Topic Details. Make a living by selling Firewood, Maple Syrup, and Cannabis to folks living in town, and wager your hard-earned cash in a Street Race that very same night!Mon Bazou (Quebec French for "my shitty car") is an indie Simulation Game (currently in early access as of January 2023) made by the French-Canadian developer Santa Goat. Money is raised through various chores such as chopping. Opening and Closing Hours List. Pine: $7. It is used to make French Fries and Homemade Poutine, but cannot be used until the fryer basket is installed. If you don't know where Junkyard is or how to unlock it:Don't forget to like and subscribe0:00 Getting all the radios2:49 Sellin. i forget to say the guy in the black car at the car meet. The sawmill is a building in town where you can sell Logs cut from Trees. Every Friday and Sunday, Roger and the Travelling Van will park between here and the Abandoned Grocery Store to sell specialty vehicle. Head over to one of the trusted game stores from our price comparison and buy cd key at the best price. When starting a new game, the Konig will be partially. this is a save file it is pretty cool . Allows you to sell firewood to your brother without limits (Firewood Palette doesn't fill up). Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments. It is owned and operated by Jacques, but Normand can be found behind the counter as well. Manage consent. Nearly a year on did you find an answer to this ? Look on the my summer car nexus page there should be a mod containing all the music just run it. Mon Bazou - Get involved with the developmentAbout the GameThis is Mon Bazou! Canada’s foremost car building, maple syrup producing, street racing survival game! We’re freshly into 2005, and the age of tuners and street racers is in full swing! Take your run-down and rusty beater and turn it into a real racer! Make a living by selling firewood, maple. Feb 19, 2022 @ 10:05am Radio? I was at the scrap yeard and found 34 radioes and no clue what to do with them. Baue dein billiges Auto zu einem Rennauto, indem du Tuningteile drauf schraubst. Potatoes can be planted in soil tilled up by the Shovel, or in Outdoor Growing Pots purchased from the Decorations. The most common cause of not working mods is that: the modification is installed incorrectly – check the tutorial on installing the mod in Mon Bazou. Maverick300011 Apr 1, 2022 @ 11:37am. ability to upgraded trailer (extra floor, more efficient generator) Showing 1 - 12 of 12 comments. Check me out live. Welcome to the wiki for Mon Bazou, Canada's foremost car building, maple syrup producing, survival game! The year is 2005, and you're living your best life in the eastern Canadian countryside. Jan 14, 2022 @ 10:50am To the same place, he's the only one who buys them. Have you ever wondered what kind of firewood or logs is the most expensive and what kind of wood you can earn the most? Here is the list: Firewood: Maple: $8. Mon Bazou - Recycling is a service available at Jims U-Pull that will pay the player for any scrap metal or scrap car components they no longer need. thank you verry much. #2. So mon bazou may seem simple but earning money is a little tougher a lot of back and forth but once everything is set up money becomes a lot easier so this i. They will purchase Maple, Pine, and Birch logs for $10, $15, and $8 each, respectively. get the upgraded motor if you will do street racing. Useful tutorials:How to unlock and where to find the Junkyard:you for watching!Mon Bazou - Get involved with the developmentAbout the GameThis is Mon Bazou! Canada’s foremost car building, maple syrup producing, street racing survival game! We’re freshly into 2005, and the age of tuners and street racers is in full swing! Take your run-down and rusty beater and turn it into a real racer! Make a living by selling firewood, maple. So, I hastily talked to him for 10 in-game days. Zaraphiel Dec 21, 2021 @ 10:59am. You have to get at least 10% in your harvest buck to do some pack. Its technical layout and large, ramp-like sand piles make it a popular place to take the Buggy or ATV for a day of relaxation and stunt driving. Stock engine+exhaust+header+carb+tunable ecu and of course the manual gearbox,is overkill to race the eclipse. Welcome back to Mon Bazou! In this episode of Mon Bazou the garage is FINALLY built, my mother FINALLY loves me and I FINALLY earn some major money with my M. I tried to sell them at the black van & at the night race event. . Logs: Pine: $15. Bolts 1×3. 99. Frequently Asked Question: How I unlock garage ? - You have to be 25 friendship with Francis and get him 48 firewood. To make a huge pack you need 27 large packs. Ma. Monday: 8:00AM – 17:30PM;. When mobile port? Reply. They can be used as a source of income by selling them to the Snack Delivery, or they can be used to make Poutine in the Deep Fryer. Pas Beau Mais Gentil/Not beautiful but kind: This is where player's older brother Francis lives. The Abandoned Grocery Store is the location of the Nightly Street Race meetup in Saint-Clin du Fin Fond. To sell off scrap metal, load as much scrap into the dumpster as desired, and interact with the sign on the side. One can initially be found in the garden shed outside the Player's Home, but more can be acquired afterwards. Updates, events, and news from the developers of Mon Bazou. Skip to content. Mon Bazou - Get involved with the developmentAbout the GameThis is Mon Bazou! Canada’s foremost car building, maple syrup producing, street racing survival game! We’re freshly into 2005, and the age of tuners and street racers is in full swing! Take your run-down and rusty beater and turn it into a real racer! Make a living by selling firewood, maple. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. 16 December 2021 – 17:58:44 UTC () Store Hub PCGW Patches. Fandom Muthead Futhead. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. #1. GOLDENMODZ 144 days ago. Fandom Muthead Futhead. Normally, something like that is an indication that there is other content that isn't kid appropriate. #1. Mon Bazou Wiki; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. One barrel may be purchased from the Maple Syrup Federation per day for $200. Thank you very much :) #2. pine is the most expensive for more syrup companies. • Rummage through a scrapyard for extra parts to sell, or even install on your vehicles • Very flexible RGB and Hexadecimal based painting system • Various trailers for. Ce guide est principalement pensé pour comprendre le fonctionnement de Mon Bazou, notamment sur les mécaniques de jeu pour gagner de l'argent. Stereos are devices which can be used to listen to FM radio broadcasts and CDs. i think hes meaning the radio channels? #3. Just take one of them and slap it in the car. You can sell the radios to the creepy guy in the black car. chevron_left. FireShorts Jan 22, 2022 @ 8:52pm. chizza1245 Jan 13, 2022 @ 3:28pm. 3 on the manifold, and one where it attaches to the body on the right hand side of the engine bay. . You need the cutting sheers found in the gas station. Maple Syrup is one of the three basic Player Needs that you need to look after to survive; it can be thought of as the game's thirst meter. You can replace USER with your computer’s username or type %appdata% into the search engine or the folder address bar, then you will get to the AppDataRoaming location (just go back to. IPG_LAZE. Mon Bazou. It can. There are four Player Needs that need to be balanced while doing so: Maple Syrup (thirst), Poutine (hunger), Energy (sleep), and Anxiety. (Need to start game at least once). All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. All of know for this moment are a simple text written somewhere. Gameplay. The second tank is worthwhile only if you've got the trees tapped to make use of it. at the gas station on the shelve. pls help. . C’est Mon Bazou ! Le jeu de survie canadien le plus imposant comprenant des modifications de voitures, de la production de sirop d'érable et des courses de rue. Mache viel Kohle in dem du Bäume fällst, illegale Rennen absolvierst oder du Pizza auslieferst. 102. Per page: 15 30 50. Léo likes to hide among the trees, and he’ll slowly make his way towards you. OGG. After that, the garage will be build in few days (4 on the map) Where are weeds seeds ? - They are on top of one of wind turbine (25-27 on map here) Where I can sell weeds ?The Cheat Menu is a feature added in the Interface/Bunker Update V2 that allows the player to enable various cheats and exploits within their save. Discussions Rules and GuidelinesJunk yard. The Deep Fryer is a small kitchen appliance found in the Player's Home. Per page: 15 30 50. It seems there's a cap of 120 trees as any I go over it wont show up. Also in the save the Ol'Truck is tuned and the Buggy is built. Radio. Gather parts at the scrapyard to sell. #1. Pine: $15; Maple: $10; Birch: $8; More Guides: Mon Bazou – Useful Tips and Tricks for New Players ;Playing video games is how you save in Mon Bazou, also thanks a lot for the support on my last post I love y'all! Mon Bazou is a game inspired a lot by My Summer Car and will be out before Christmas. 99 Přidat do košíku . Aug 15, 2022 @ 12:57pm yeah the song used on the radio channels #4. In this episode we actually make maple syrup! Keeping our friends happy and cutting logs to sell are actually important as well. Learn more about PLITCH. Media Kit Contact Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ability to buy new house's or trailers. 305KB ; 2-- mon bazou end game save. save. Nov 21, 2022 @ 2:27pm are you using scroll? #1. He only buy Radios for now. Boil sugar water and sell barrels of Maple Syrup- Streets races at the night meet. 253 – the update added a lot of new. The Scrapyard does not need to be unlocked in order to use it. Here, the player can purchase Cheese Curds and the seeds for growing Potatoes, the two necessary ingredients in making. The Player 's home is a single wide trailer set upon a decently sized plot of land, with a small garden shed outside, Trash and Recycling bins for waste disposal, a fire pit in the back, and a concrete slab perfect for building a Garage. Bdawg977 Feb 4, 2022 @ 4:15pm. just click the sign and it will sell. Mr_Schlitzer Dec 19, 2021 @ 9:57am. 290, 0. Mon Bazou - Sei involviert in der EntwicklungÜber das SpielBaue dein billiges Auto zu einem Rennauto, indem du Tuningteile drauf schraubst. To people if you are level 5 friendship with them. Grow plant like Cannabis to then sell. It is open Monday through Sunday, from 08:00 to 17:30. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Per page: 15 30 50. Mon Bazou. Just put the stuff in the container then click the sign on the side. -----. Lieutenant Kas Mar 4, 2022 @ 10:02pm. As for speed bro lives right next door, but I wouldn't go cutting down maples until you have a nice amount for your syrup. Every day at 09:00, he leaves his home for morning constitutional; he takes a walk down the sidewalk to the nearby cul-de-sac, and returns the way he came. Buy a Scrapyard and harvest lost of parts to keep and/or for sale. The largest of these is the game's town, Saint-Clin du Fin-Fond, as it contains many of the shops and stores the player will be interacting with.